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Mental health of university students
Student mental health has its own unique aspects that are not always understood or represented in the wider conversation on mental...

Is CBT right for you?
What is CBT? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) broadly is understanding our thinking and behaviour patterns that impact how we feel...

Ecological Anxiety
“Eco anxiety” is defined as a chronic fear of environmental doom and “ecological grief” is defined as reacting to current and past...

Effects of social media on young people's mental health
Nowadays, almost everyone is on some form of social media. Indeed, it’s become essential both for maintaining a social life and for...

Spotlight interview: Shikainah Champion-Samuel
Shikainah Champion-Samuel is an associate therapist with Surrey Therapy Practice and has sat down for an interview about what it is like...

Is there a true children and young people’s mental health crisis?
The Association for Child and Adolescent mental health has published a paper in June of 2021 [1] reviewing studies on the mental health...

The pandemics disproportionate impact on already disadvantaged communities
While all of us have felt the strain of the lockdowns in one way or another it’s important to remember the impact is not equal and the...
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