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Setting Resolutions in the New Year

Happy New Year!

We understand that the New Year is not always easy for everyone, from getting back to the routine of work or school, to reflecting on the previous year. While some people are happy to leave last year behind them, this time of year can bring about some difficult emotions for others. Moving into another new year can be quite daunting and may cause feelings of anxiety or stress, or lead to social comparison or self-criticism.

The New Year is a time where many people aim to start making positive change in their lives. This may include setting personal, business, or fitness goals, as well as lifestyle changes and improvements such as quitting unhealthy habits. It is not uncommon for people to compare themselves to others around this time of year. Many people may feel they are not where they had hoped they would be this time last year, leading to feelings of disappointment, failure, or self-criticism. While setting New Year’s resolutions can be a positive thing and can help people to strive towards their goals, it is important to remember that everyone is on their own journey.

If you intend to set resolutions for the upcoming year, it can be helpful to think about what works for you, regardless of what other people are doing. Consider what is best for you personally – what makes you happiest, and what you most value. Remember to be realistic and honest with yourself and evaluate why you are setting your goals. While it is necessary to be self-aware, we must remind ourselves that drastic change in a short amount of time is not always attainable, and that putting pressure on yourself to achieve too many things can do more harm than good. It is important to be patient and compassionate with yourself, and to remember that it is not possible to become a new person overnight.

We recommend taking the time to reflect and accept yourself as you are - past, present, and future. Accepting both your strengths and weaknesses and the ways in which you view them can help to set goals that are achievable and relevant to you. Remember that you can only do your best each day, and to prioritise being kind to yourself before anything else. It is most beneficial to approach personal growth, changing habits, and setting goals with positive self-talk, focusing on your relationship with yourself and how this may be affecting you and your goals. The relationship we have with ourselves is crucial to our own wellbeing and to creating happy and healthy relationships with others. It can help us to strive towards our goals and accept the support of others on the way.

There are many ways in which to develop a positive relationship with yourself, for example by seeing yourself as your own friend, practicing self-care, and making time for yourself to do something you enjoy. Practicing mindfulness such as meditation, yoga, or breathing practices can help to bring intention to our actions and be aware of our own thoughts and feelings. It can also be helpful to unplug from technology or social media, to spend time in nature and to meet up with friends, family and loved ones who help to uplift us.

Whatever you plan to do this year, make sure you make yourself, your mental health and wellbeing, a priority.



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