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Sleep is vital for our overall health and wellbeing, playing a role in the maintenance of both physical and mental functioning.


Poor sleep may look like:

  • Struggling to get to sleep at night, even when tired

  • Waking in the night

  • Waking earlier than you would like

  • Difficulty waking up or getting out of bed

  • Excessive sleep, e.g., sleeping at times when you want or need to be awake


Poor sleep may occur as a result of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD or psychosis. It may also occur due to physical conditions or health problems such as night sweats or bodily pain. There may also be non-health related factors contributing to poor sleep, such as being a parent or carer, not having a comfortable place to sleep, having stresses or worries, for example related to money, housing or work, or simply being easily disturbed from sleep.


Poor sleep can in turn have a negative affect on mental health, causing fatigue, headaches, difficulty focusing, and moodiness, which over time can develop into or worsen pre-existing mental health issues. 



To read our blog on sleep, click here

For help with Sleep and related issues:

Offering Psychology, Counselling and CBT Services in Surrey

Our therapists are registered with relevant professional bodies to ensure you are seeing appropriately qualified professionals that have met the required professional standards:

If you would like to book a viewing, appointment, or just chat with us please contact us here:

or complete an enquiry form by clicking here: 


Castle House, Park Road, Banstead, Surrey SM7 3BT


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